
Fee Structure and Rules

1. Fees will be collected quarterly & will be paid in 4 installments as stated below. Fee is deposited in BANK OF BARODA, Arya Samaj Road, Sambhal from 10:00 am to 04:00 pm in all working days.
Fees to be paid by
* 1st Installment [April, May, June] by 15th April 2024
* 2nd Installment [July, August, September] by 15th July 2024
* 3rd Installment [October, November December] by 15th Oct 2024
* 4th Installment [January, February, March] by 15th Jan 2025

2. After 15th of every month fine of Rs. 100/- per month will be charged for late payment. If the fee remains unpaid till the last month of the quarter, the name of the student will automatically be struck off the rolls and Re-admission will be only at the discretion of the Principal and Re-admission charges of Rs. 500/- will have to be paid.

3. The student shall be enrolled only after depositing the fee of First Quarter.

4. Parents can deposit Cash directly at the bank counter by producing the Fee Booklet or make online payment by transferring money to School QR Code or using the following Internet Banking details.
Beneficiary Name : BalVidyaMandirSr Sec School
Account Number : 27070100003124
IFS Code : BARB0BLYSAM [Fifth character is ZERO]

5. While submitting the fees Parents should write students Name, Class, and Section positively.

6. Fee once deposited is neither refunded nor adjusted in any other account under any circumstances.

7. Students will not be allowed to appear in Test/Examination unless all dues have been cleared prior to its commencement.

8. Admit Cards, to appear in the Tests/Examination, will be issued to those students, whose dues have been cleared.

9. The Fee Receipt Book is an important financial document to be kept safely and produced as and when required by the school to reconcile accounts. In case it is lost, new booklet will be issued with the payment of Rs. 200/-.

10. Scan the QR Code given below to deposit the fee. After depositing the fee through QR Code, bring the fee booklet to the school office for receiving the receipt..

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